Sunday, 26 December 2010

Our Christmas

We had a fun Christmas.

My brother, his wife, the dog and bump came for Christmas dinner and my Mum triumphed again. She's Stafford’s answer to Delia.
This is my Dog Nephew all dressed up for Christmas.
Most of the day was spent laughing at my Mum and Dad on the Wii.  Santa bought it for my Mum and so far she really likes it.  I had a go at the yoga for a few minutes as I thought it was the most gentle and apparently I burned 18 calories so that's good. I might try to have more of a go if I can keep my balance.
My stocking didn’t have much in it as I’ve had some money.  I had some chocolates and the two things I'd asked for, some dry shampoo and an ice scraper for my car!  Apparently when Santa went to the shop to buy one for his sleigh he bought me one too.
My brother, his wife, the dog and bump bought me An Idiot Abroad Diaries by Karl Pilkington and Now Christmas on Cd.  The fella got me series 4 of Brothers and Sisters which I love so I may keep that for when I’ve had my operation and I want something to watch.
The pain in my shoulder is still really bad.  I’ve been really grumpy all day because of it and have been in bed this afternoon.  I’ve decided that I need to phone the hospital on Wednesday and try and get a referral to see a surgeon.  It’s been bad for several weeks, I've had it injected but it's getting worse.   The only way I can cope with it is with the painkillers but I can't keep taking morphine.
Knitting wise I haven't done any.  I was finishing my Sirdar cardigan so I might do some in a bit if the shoulder holds out.

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