Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Just undo it and Keep Calm Sally!

So I’ve been knitting these Noro leg warmers which are for my trip to the Glastonbury Festival next year.  A Knitty friend very kindly bought me the yarn for my birthday.

I’d almost finished leg warmer number 1 but I didn’t like the ribbing...and lets face it, who does!
The pattern said 12 rows of rib at the beginning, which worked out as about 2 inches but then the pattern said to knit until 3 inches of rib has been worked at the end.  I thought this was a bit odd so I frogged down to the ribbing and decided to do 3 inches each side of the pattern as I had loads of yarn left.
Sounds simple enough so far?
I was at knitty friends yesterday, finished off leg warmer number 1 (sewing and everything!) and knitty friend said ‘I don’t think that’ll go over your heel Sal’.  After a lot of debating and knitty friend on the floor trying to squeeze the bloody thing over my heel as of course the arthur won’t let me put my OWN leg warmers on...we decided that I cast on way too tight.
Thanks to knitty friend I haven’t had to undo the whole thing again as she unpicked the sewing and helped me unpick the cast on edge.  It’s really made my shoulder hurt as I was hunched over the yarn trying to unpick it all so today I feel like poo.  I don't think I'll be doing any knitting, which is a good job as I'm going out with the fella, that's if I can drive with this shoulder pain.

I should have taken more of a break and listened to my body (and knitty friend!) but I couldn’t put said leg warmer down as I’m quite excited to finish.  I don’t know why, Glastonbury isn’t till June so there's plenty of time and we don’t know if I can go yet!

Here is the leg warmer so far.

So the moral of this story’ve always got to worry about the length of yer rib coz it might cause you trouble in the future!


  1. Move over Kate Moss wearing your Hunter Wellies - Sal will be wearing her Noro leg warmers JX

  2. You'll get it done in no time at all, it will be well worth it!

  3. Kate Moss has got nothing on me mate!
