Thursday, 16 February 2012

Forcing myself to read more

My friend told me the other day that his English language skills have improved greatly since he started reading more.  I told him that I've always struggled with the English language and particularly with writing.  This is maybe why it was such a massive deal for me to start this blog and why, at times, it can be such an effort for me to post.  Words don't flow even though I know what I would like to say.   Lecturers used to say 'you know what you want to say Sally, you just don't know how to say it,' and that is absolutely true.

I'm not sure that even my friends realise how much I struggle and that I'm actually rather embarrassed about it.  I suppose the general consensus is that, 'you got masters degree, you can't be that bad,' and I don't think I am that bad.

What I tend to forget is that my degree was in Music Performance and I got it because I was good at it. I wasn't necessarily good at writing about it, but I was good at the performing and that's what got me through it.

I'd love to get back into reading and maybe it will help with my English.  Don't get me wrong, I do read, but not as much as I used to.  It's commonly known that once you start knitting you stop reading and this definitely happened to me.
Therefore, following on from my conversation with my friend I've downloaded a few of the free classics on my kindle app.  I'm going on holiday next week and I'm going to make a real effort to read more whilst I'm away.  I've already started reading Little Women which is a book that I have always wanted to read so I will let you know how that goes.
Between reading, knitting and photography I won't have time to do much else, so here goes.

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