Sunday, 24 April 2011

Well done Stoke for getting to the final.

My mate is a Stoke City fan and after last weeks massive win over Bolton in the semi-final, Stoke find themselves in the FA Cup Final.

I listened to the match on the radio as the kind people at the bbc and itv decided that they didn't want to show it. They of course were happy to show the Manchester derby that played out the day before but unless your team fits in to one of two categories,

a: A London club or
b: Manchester United

ordinary television channels don't like to show any matches that involve any other team.

I'm not going to carry on because then you get into the age old argument that premiership football is shown in several countries around the world for free, but it's not free here.

Anyway, lets get back to the job in hand. One of my friends loves Stoke and as they have never been in the cup final before and may never get there again! I decided to knit some flags. I did 7 little flags which are hanging from an i-chord.

I was allowed to hang the flags in the house for the purpose of this photo and they were taken straight down after. My Mum said that I might be swayed to the dark side if we don't take them down quickly, I don't know what she's on about, it's not like I'm knitting in black and gold (WHICH WOULD NEVER HAPPEN).

My Dad has expressed that he would like me to do a blue and white version. So come on Albion get to Wembley again next year and I will get my needles out, DEAL!
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The Mittens are Finished.

I have finished the mittens I was doing for my friend for her birthday. I finished them last week and even though I did them in plenty of time to post them, they will still be late! Oh well.

I did them in a bright blue from my stash because that's what my friend wanted. She has everything blue, even a blue stripe in her hair. We think she looks like a smurf on acid!

The pattern is from the quick and easy knit section of Simply Knitting and they were very quick and easy (once someone showed me where I should be putting my yarn for the slip st).

They will be sent off when I get to the post office or when my Mum can go for me and I hope my friend likes them.
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Friday, 15 April 2011

A New Hip and Accident and Emergency

I got the nasty pain I was telling you about back last night and it was really horrible.  I think it could be a nerve or something as it is a pinching pain when I lift my leg to walk.  I phoned the ward at Cannock Hospital where I had the operation and they told me to double my dose of Oramorph and get to A&E to have it checked out.

We arrived at Stafford Hospital at around 9pm and I was straight into triage to be assessed.  They were surprised when I said I'd had my hip replaced to say the least, but they didn't treat it lightly!  We waited about an hour and I was called in.  The was brilliant, very kind and very thorough.  He checked for infection in the wound, asked me loads of questions presumably to do with thrombosis, took some blood and ordered an xray of my hip.  I had to wait a little while for the blood to come back but we were offered a cup of tea while we wait.

The main concern was that I may have dislocated or loosened the joint.  I couldn't see how I had as I have done everything that I was told and have also been waited on hand and foot.  Some people go home to fend for themselves and I really don't know how they do it because it's bloody hard.  I have dropped my crutches about a hundred times and a grabber will not pick those bad boys up... You get quite good at doing stuff though.  I just unhooked my emergency alarm that goes round my neck off my headboard, I was very impressed with myself.

Now, there have been lots of media attention surrounding Stafford Hospital over the last few years and I too have had some bad experiences there, one particular experience in A&E that I would not wish to repeat.  Last night was the second time in the last year I have had to go to A&E and the staff were brilliant.  I was poorly, and they looked after me, it's a simple as that.

When I had my abscess last year and I was rushed into have surgery, some people, who should have known better said things like, 'you were brave going to Stafford'.

When I told people I was having my hip done, (and when I had my knee replaced for that matter) some people said things like 'you're not having it done at Stafford are you?'  I didn't have either operation at Stafford by the way, all my replacements have been at Cannock.

It really annoys me.  I live in Stafford and I have to use the hospital, so do all my family.  If you have to go to A&E generally you are not well enough to drive halfway round the midlands to find a hospital that they approve of so therefore I have no choice but to go there.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

What I have been working on.

I am doing a crochet granny square blanket.  I have been using up all my double knit yarn (and some that others have given me...) and I will stop when I have used it all.

I have also been doing a little cardigan for the lady who does my nails.  She had a little boy at the beginning of March.   It is the same cardigsn thst I have knitted for my Niece with the dummy buttons, only this time I am knitting the front and the back altogether.

1 week after a total hip replacement

So I am already one week and one day on from the operation.  It’s gone pretty quickly, although this week is dragging.
The pain is better, the swelling is still there and the itching is driving me crazy but onwards an upwards.
I only have 19 more injections to do, 31 days until I can drive again, but a whole 83 days until I can even start to think about bending and twisting AND lying on my side again when I sleep, I know it’s going to kill me.  I am propping myself up with pillows and then getting my Mum and Dad to change them round through the night, it’s killing them too, let alone me.
Had a crap day yesterday, the pain from the physio on Monday was really bad and I felt knocked down by it but I had quite a few visitors so that was really nice. 
I also discovered the programme Bondi Vet, nowhere near as good Bondi Rescue but it was ok.  Did I mention that a Bondi lifeguard tweeted me!!!!  It was the day my Niece was born so I don’t know what I was more excited about...the tweet, or the Niece!


Monday was my first physio session. The physio came to the house and assessed me for all sorts of things such as walking, going up and downstairs, getting on and off the bed and he also checked the wound and checked my legs for thrombosis.
Thrombosis is a serious problem for people who have had lower limb surgery.   There are several things you need to do after surgery,
1.       You have to wear some very long sexy stockings to wear for 28 days. I'm assuming they compress the legs and help keep the blood flowing.  They are a nightmare to get on, it’s a good job I’ve got someone to help me as I couldn’t so them myself.
2.       I also have to inject a drug called Clexane everyday for 28 days.
3.       I have been told to get up and move around every 40 minutes.
4.       I also have to pump my ankles up and down.
Following all these things and I should be ok.
There are also several precautions I have to follow to keep the hip in place and stop it from dislocating.
1.       No bending further than 90 degrees, so the angle between your torso and thigh should be no less than 90 degrees.
2.       No twisting.
3.       No crossing legs, including crossing your ankles.
4.       No lying on side in bed.
The hardest one is lying on my back in bed as it bloody hurts.  I think I may have had a little bit of sciatica before the op and this is only aggravating it.
The physio gave me 4 exercises to do 3-4 times a day.  They are all bed exercises.  I was given some standing exercises at the hospital and I had been doing them but the physio who came on Monday said I should do a week of bed exercises.  I wish they'd sing from the same hymn sheet. I was also told I could lie on my operated side in bed once the wound had stopped hurting, only then to be told I have to lie on my back for 3 months.
After the physio left I went upstairs to have my rest but as I was walking I got an intense pain in my hip.  I think it was a nerve pain.  I thought I had dislocated my hip but my Mum said that if I had I wouldn’t be walking on it, which was a very good point I’m glad she made!  The physio who came scared me to be honest, by telling me I should be doing the exercising I had been doing etc etc, so for the rest of the day I was panicking that it was going to come out.
I also had a referral to an occupational therapist, who came to see me the very next morning.   She bought me another raised toilet seat.  Now, as we don’t have a downstairs toilet I was asked if I wanted a commode.  I said no as my Mum and Dad have a camping toilet which I thought would be better and a little cleaner.  It’s been a bit of a godsend, particularly when the pain has been bad.  She also bought a second pair of crutches.  I always have to have someone to carry my crutches upstairs which could be a pain so I keep one pair upstairs and one pair downstairs.
I haven’t knitted much or read much, and today is the first day I’ve been on my laptop.  I just haven’t got the motivation.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Day 4 - Home

So I haven't posted as I'm now home be it's all be a bit hectic.

I came out on Saturday evening. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to come out as no one had really said anything but I made it my mission for the afternoon to find out, and here I am!

An occupational therapist came to see me on Saturday morning to ask me how I get on washing and dressing. I find it very difficult to shower and dress particularly since my shoulder has been bad. I had carers a couple of weeks ago to try out 2 days of care, an hour a day. I have been assessed to have care everyday at home so this assessment was just reinforcing the fact I need it.

The OT felt happy with me and discharged me and a couple of hours later I asked the nurse if I was able to go home, she said I was although they wanted to watch me do know injection one more time because apparently I wasn't doing it quite right. I have been injecting into my tummy since I was about 14 and for some reason I was doing it wrong. The nurse who watched me on Saturday said I was fine and discharged me.

The first place we went was too the Mcdonalds drive through. One of the ladies on the ward got her daughter to bring one in for her the night before, so my Mum thought I might need a cheese burger to make me feel better. It kind of did!

The pain has been pretty well controlled apart from at night time. I had a little bit of sciatica before the operation, or so we thought and it's really kicked off since. I have to lay on my back for 3 months and it's killing me. The pain in my back isn't nice.

The first morning I was home I woke up at 5am and I had to get up, unfortunately my Mum and Dad were also up with me. We were all tired all day and I'm really feeling for my Mum and Dad at the moment, they look shattered.

I can't do anything, no twisting, bending etc... Anything I drop I can't pick up, anything that it beside me I can't twist to get it. BUT, I can do stairs, and I can do stairs really well!
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Saturday, 9 April 2011

Day 2 and 3 post op

All my good intentions of writing a few words every day has gone to pot already!

Day 2.

Thursday was a good day. I had a lovely wash with help and then got dressed for the first time. Believe me putting your pants on is rather good after being knickerless for a couple of days!

I started walking of crutches straight from what they call a gutter frame which is a frame you lean on rather than hold. I was in a lot of pain though, most of it was coming from the un operated hip and knee.

Day 3.

Lots of things happened on day 3.

The pain had eased and I only took about 3 lots of morphine where as I was pretty much taking it every two hours at first.

The physios taught me how to do the stairs and have given me a few basic exercises. I have learned how to get in and out of bed and have been given a rail for the side of my bed to help me. The occupational therapist told my Mum and Dad it would be delivered later that afternoon and it was at my house about an hour later. The occupational therapist also taught my Mum and Dad how to lift my legs into bed safely so as not to pop my hip out of place.

The pain is still there and it's sore but you start to live with it. I've been taking a lot of morphine.
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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Day 1 post op

Woke up in the Post Anesthetic Care Unit this morning. Well I say woke up, I didn't really sleep well.

I had a comfortable night with lots of pain relief which left me really settled. The nursing staff were amazing and I can't thank them enough.

I've been up walking with the physios today. I went to the loo twice, I'm so hardcore!

I've been doing lots of physio in my bed and trying to keep on top of the pain. At one point this afternoon the pain got too much but I'm having lots of morphine to keep it at bay.
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Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Operation Day

I am now with new hip and all is going well.

I went to theatre at about 10:30 this morning and had a spinal injection, where they numb you from the waist down. Then the anesthetic was put in and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and my whole body was itching but at least I was in no pain.

I came round at about midday and have been in the post anesthetic care unit ever since. I have some pain but nothing too bad and so far I've only had 10ml of morphine and just my regular pain killers. This is no where near as bad as when I had my knee done, but maybe that was just a one off.
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To marmite or not to marmite!

Ok, I can eat until 3, do I get up in an hour and have some marmite on toast or not? That is the question.

Starting to get really worried now.
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Monday, 4 April 2011

Pre Hip Replacement

So I wanted to write a really good blog post this evening but my internet is down so I've got to do it on my phone.

Well, it's the night before the operation and I'm pretty much packed and ready to go, there are things that I need in the morning so as with any sort of packing you have to leave yourself a list of last minute items that you can only put in when you are about to wall through the door!

I'm not feeling too worried. I cried so much before I had my knee done, but this time I don't feel too bad. I just hope it doesn't all come out tomorrow when they are just about to put the needles in my back, you have several minutes while they do that and before they put you to sleep so I have several minutes to stress out before they put the stuff in and then I won't care what's going on as I'm about to have a bit of a kip.

My friend Claire told me, that someone had told her that you wake up thinking of the same thing you went to sleep thinking of. She told me this and then said 'what if you go to sleep thinking of sex? Imagine what you might say as you're coming round!'

I'm really trying to forget about that comment but thanks for all your help mate!

So all in all I don't feel too bad. The only thing I'm worried about is talking about intercourse at an inappropriate moment!
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