Monday, 24 January 2011


Holiday tomorrow, woohoo!

Is it bad that I got all my knitting and crochet ready before anything else?

Everything is all washed and ironed and ready to go (thanks to my wonderful Mum), it just needs to make it's way into my case!

Tomorrow is going to be busy. I have a hospital appointment at 9 and then have to leave for the airport at lunchtime so it's going to a bit of a rush.

See you when I get back.
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Thursday, 20 January 2011

YES!!! I can update my UFO’s – although I have seemed to have added another project on somehow....

1. Noro legwarmers
2. Regia Sock Yarn Gloves
3. Rowan Cardigan
4. A Sirdar extra chunky tank top
5. The baby thing that I will probably undo
6. Sirdar Big Softie Scarf
7. Surprise knitting!
8. Blue baby hoodie
9. Sew buttons onto pink baby cardie
10. Regia shawl

Funny colours.

I don't know why that one paragraph is in white.  Can someone help?

More fun and games.

I keep getting morphined up! The last few nights I've had a little bit of morphine to try and help me with the pain at night.  The only problem is, I can't wake up in the morning, I feel a bit like Michael Jackson!

We had the Yarn Gathering 1st year anniversary party last Thursday and it was really good.  The cakes were made by a very clever and lovely lady, you know who you are!

I was inspired after Thursdays knitting fun so I had a go at finishing my second mitten.  I managed to do loads of work on them over the weekend and I’m pleased to say that they are now finished.

They are in the same yarn as my crochet shawl experiment which is Regia sock yarn.  I have knitted a few pairs of socks in this yarn and I love it.  The colours are lovely and they are really warm so I am going to continue with the shawl.  Of course I’ve had to buy another couple of balls of wool to complete the project, but that's allowed because at least one of the balls has been used out of my stash!
Joint wise:  Well they are still sore.  I feel like I keep moaning about this shoulder thing but I think I’m getting on top of the pain now and even though I’m feeling sore, I am starting to feel better.  I had an ultra sound scan on my hands this morning and the lady who scanned me knew I was having one on the shoulder next week so she said if I didn't mind waiting then she would do the scan today.  So I went off, had a cuppa, came back and had the second scan done and it saves me going to Stafford Hospital on Monday.  This is when the NHS is amazing.  This afternoon I had a call asking me to go to the pre admission clinic on Tuesday morning about my hip replacement so it's all go today.
In other news, I can’t believe Henry from Neighbours was voted off Dancing on Ice, he is a legend!  I was glad to see Angela Rippon go out though.  Her comments about the over 60’s, rocking chairs and knitting was a bit silly.  While I was watching her dance on ice I was knitting!
Also, for those of you who are interested my big brother is in a Genesis tribute band called Carpet Crawlers and they have recently done a European tour.  Here is a review of one of the DVD’s they have, the guy sounds like a proper fan!

Busy Week

I've had a bit of a busy week this week. Along with the usual rubbish I've been ringing the Dr's, the hospital and the chemist to make sure I have all the correct letters done so I can take my medication on holiday next week. Only 5 days to go!

What a performance though, and what a waste of Nhs resources. I've had several letters written for me that the airport staff probably won't read, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Had 3 needles again this morning. The nurses have had a bit of trouble getting my blood over the last few months. I think maybe after 17 years of having blood tests every month my veins might have given up, and to be honest, I don't blame them!

Have been really sore today and had to come to bed this afternoon. I ended up staying here for about 5 hours but at least I was able to get up and go to choir tonight.

According to my Dr and my rheumatology nurse all signs point towards having a frozen shoulder. I just hope they can sort it before my hip replacement because using the crutches full time again will be impossible.

Tomorrow I have to have an ultra sound scan on my hands. I hope they let me have a good look at the pictures like you can when you have a baby! I have a joint replacement in one of my fingers and I'd quite like to check it out!
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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Learn something new everyday

So they say you learn something new everyday.

Last Tuesday I learned how to do an invisible cast on to combat this cast on problem with my leg warmer. Thank god for YouTube.

And on Wednesday my Mum showed me how to darn a hole in a sock, another skill I think is lost on young people.

I haven't learned anything since!
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Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Crochet on a Plane

So I'm off on my hols on the 25th January thanks to my amazing Mother and Father.

I've decided to take some crochet to do on the flight as I can't take knitting needles on the plane. Bloody bombers spoiling it for the rest of us!

I love the fact that a girl with severe arthritis could be seen as some kind of potential threat with a pair of knitting needles in her possession.

I've decided to do another crochet shawl in 4ply and I have a rather lovely purple colour to do it in. I've been experimenting with hook sizes and some regia sock yarn (because this is the only 4ply I have out of my vacuum bag stash which lives in the bottom of my wardrobe!)

I want the shawl to be quite open so I'm using an 8mm hook.

Even though it was an experiment, I quite like the results and I may finish it as it will go with the fingerless mittens that have yet to finish. I may also thread some beads onto it to make it sit better.

So if the staff at the airport by any crazy chance think that I am a terrorist and they do take my hook off me, it only cost me £2:50 so it won't break the bank!
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Tuesday, 11 January 2011

A bad day is followed by a good day

I had a good day today. It started off with me feeling rather crappy as I didn't sleep well again, but I was up and dressed and out to knitting early which made me feel loads better.  I also got a few jobs done that I’ve been putting off for ages and I feel better for sorting that too.

It was Knitty friends last day today as she is moving to Cumbria tomorrow.  A couple of weeks ago we had a special little surprise for her. We didn’t have time to knit anything so it was decided that we would all donate a ball of DK so she could make a blanket or something out of it all to remind her of us. I knew exactly what to buy...King Cole’s Riot, also known as ‘I can’t believe it’s not Noro!’

I can't believe it's not Noro, can you?

Knitty friend and I have been drooling over Riot for a while now so I thought it was the perfect choice. There is a lovely cardie pattern I would like to knit up in Riot.  I haven’t bought it because of finishing all my other projects off first but Knits and Needles in Stafford has got one up knitted up in the shop window.  I definitely think that this is a sign and as Knitty friend is moving I may knit it to remind me of her.

This evening I met up with one of my friends who also works for Arthritis Care.

She’s also not been feeling too well lately.  I’m not one to think the weather has much to do with flare ups but that’s me, and two of my arthur friends that are not well at the moment so who knows.  Anyway it was great to see her to have a good moan, as we all need to moan to someone who knows what it's all about, I'm shattered now though!

Friday, 7 January 2011

Role Reversal

I've just come up to bed for a rest as I didn't sleep well last night with this shoulder pain. Either that or it was all the excitement at the Thursday night knitting group!

So, I'm in bed resting and all of a sudden I hear 'The Division Bell' by Pink Floyd powering up from downstairs.

Now I love the fact my Mum and Dad have a passion for music and it has obviously been passed on to my brother and I as we both have music degrees but... my point is, aren't the kids supposed to annoy the parents with the loud music and not the other way round!
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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Hospitals in Soaps

I would like to know why when anyone goes into hospital in a soap they get their own room and don't have to stay in a ward with any smelly people.
Last time I was in hospital there was a smelly woman who kept an electric razor in a cardboard sat nav think I'm joking!
All of a sudden I heard a buzzing sound, and she was giving her face a good going over...and then she moved onto shaving her arms!
I don't know how I controlled the giggles.

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Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Happy New Year Blog World

Had a great New Year’s weekend with my old uni mates and it was just what I needed.

This is me with The Geordie who is the one in red
and the one from down south at the front.

My two friends, the Geordie, the one from down South, my fella and two other boys spent most of Friday and Saturday laughing...lots.  Sunday night was spent with our other uni friends.  They’re not grown up uni friends, but they’re our uni friends that now have kids!
They all looked after me so well and made sure I was comfortable. I did have a little lie down on Friday evening so I could see in the New Year as pain free as possible, but that's allowed!
I didn’t think much of Jools Holland’s program.  The problem with watching any sort of music program with a load of music graduates is that we pick out stuff, and we do it for fun!  Hasn't Alison Moyet lost weight though? I didn't even realise it was her until her name came up on the bottom of the screen.
The fella was brilliant all weekend. I wouldn't be able to do this sort of stuff without him.
He's helped me...
·         Get showered and dressed.
·         Been up in the night with me when I've been sore.
·         Picked me up off many chairs that are too low for me.
·         Packed, unpacked and re packed my car.
·         Driven me all over the East Midlands.
·         Made me many cups me tea.

And to top it all off.  When we got back to my house he helped me unpack all my things and helped me get into my jammies before he had a 40 minute drive home.  I was fast asleep way before I got the text to say he got home safe.
I'm still recovering from the weekend and spent most of today resting, was supposed to be at knitting this morning and have been called a slacker...yeah, you know who you are!

That's the problem with RA though, you do something remotely exciting and then spend a week in bed.  I still have a lot of soaps to catch up with, as you have probably guessed this is what I do when I need to rest.
Apparently there's something going on in Eastenders which is causing chaos and people are complaining to the BBC about it, they must think it's real too!